The Arts
Art is, for most children, a natural form of expression and a source of great pleasure. Art stimulates creativity and imagination. Understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of the visual arts has the power to enrich our lives.
During their time in school, we encourage children to develop their creative and imaginative talents through learning skills and techniques and using a number of materials and tools.
Children are introduced to a wide variety of creative forms including drawing, painting, collage, sculpture and printing, and they are taught to use materials and tools with precision and care.
Artbooks, for children to record and experiment in, are used throughout the school. They are also used to track progression and skills development. Displays throughout the school showcase and celebrate the development and progression in learning.
Children also learn to appreciate works of art and use artistic language to describe paintings, sculptures and other art forms. We regularly enrich our Art curriculum with visits to London’s art galleries and make direct links to a wide variety of art forms through class topics.
Design and Technology
'Design and Technology' is about designing and making things. It encourages children to learn to think and be creative, and to solve problems both as individuals and as members of a team.
Through our Design and Technology curriculum, children are able to work on a range of designing and making activities. They explore how familiar things work and think about what products are used for and the needs of people who use them. They plan what has to be done and identify what works well and what could be improved in their own and other people’s designs.
Children develop practical skills in Design and Technology by working with a variety of materials such as wood, clay, textiles and food. They acquire knowledge of materials, mechanisms and structures, and links are made to other areas of the curriculum wherever possible in order to further their knowledge and deepen their understanding.
A curriculum map sets out the learning topics for the year, as well as key texts and trips which will be used to support learning. The curriculum expectations have been identified as being the minimum requirements your child must meet in order to ensure continued progress throughout the subject.
EYFS Design Technology Curriculum
Y1 - Y6 Design Technology Curriculum
Music and Dance
Music and Dance play a huge part in our school life and are taught to all classes; we are fortunate to have specialist teachers for these subjects - Ms Alexis Butterworth (Dance) and Mr Stuart Rathie (Music). Both teachers plan their lessons to teach specific skills as well as to complement the class topics.
A high-quality music education enables lifelong participation in, and enjoyment of music and this lies at the heart of our vision for music at Bousfield. We aim to foster our children’s enthusiasm for the subject, while also giving them the skills, knowledge and understanding necessary to support their continued musical journey in and beyond primary school.
Alongside its intrinsic value, we also recognise that music makes a powerful contribution to other aspects of our children’s education and development. Research shows a strong link between the development of musical skills and attainment in other areas of learning, including English and Mathematics.
The teaching of Music develops children’s ability to listen to and appreciate a wide variety of music, as well as giving them opportunities to sing and make music. Children learn to play a range of percussion instruments, as well as whole class cello, violin, recorder and ukulele. We also offer a number of additional music lessons which include tuition in violin, recorder and guitar, and two early morning choir classes.
Lower KS2 (Y3 & Y4) Music Curriculum Overview
Upper KS2 (Y5 & Y6) Music Curriculum Overview
In Dance, children learn to create and perform dances using a range of movement patterns, including those from different periods of time, places and cultures. We also offer after-school dance classes.
Music and Dance Go Hand in Hand
Learning to dance, sing and play instruments are physical activities that help to develop coordination, breathing, and promote a healthy body. Music and Dance can also benefit the emotional health and well-being and social development of our children. They are unique forms of expression that can give each child an artistic outlet, a sense of achievement and confidence. Music and Dance activities provide opportunities for our children to collaborate and perform together, developing communication skills and teamwork.
All children take part in shows and class assemblies that showcase their Music and Dance learning. Children have also performed in St Mary the Boltons, Kensington Town Hall and The Royal Albert Hall.
We regularly work with other organisations such as the Royal College of Music, The Tri-Borough Music Hub and The Royal Ballet School to enrich our curriculum.