Performance Data
School Level Assessments
Regular assessments are made of each child's progress and these are used by teachers to plan the next steps in learning. Formal termly assessments are also conducted in English, Maths and Science, and the next steps in learning are shared with parents at termly parent/teacher conferences. In addition, parents receive a written Annual Report in the summer term which summarises their child's overall progress and attainment.
External Assessments
The school performance data website gives parents the opportunity to see Bousfield's published assessment data
SATS results were last published in 2019. Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) are made up of a combination of testing and teacher assessment judgements and are used in all government-funded primary schools in England to assess the attainment of pupils against the programmes of study of the National Curriculum at the end of Key Stages 1 and 2 when most pupils are aged 7 and 11 respectively.