Bousfield Primary School

Friends of Bousfield (FoB)

The Friends of Bousfield - otherwise known as FoB - is the parents association and a registered charity in England. Every parent and carer whose child joins our school is automatically a member of the FoB. 
Its purpose is to advance the education of pupils in the School
  • Developing effective relationships between the staff parents and others associated with the school
  • Engaging in activities or providing facilities or equipment which support the School and advance the education of the pupils

It exists to promote

  • Fundraising
  • Social events for the children
  • Social interaction for the parents – particularly new parents

The FoB work hard to organise a range of social and fundraising events throughout the year and, in doing so, make an invaluable contribution to the life of the school.

FoB Constitution

FoB Roles

FoB Update