Parents & Carers
Parents and carers play a vital role in ensuring the success of Bousfield and are strongly encouraged to become involved in the life of the school. They make our school community even stronger.
Parents/carers and Teachers
A number of occasions are organised during the school year for parents and teachers to exchange information about children’s progress and to provide opportunities to learn more about the life of the school. We have highlighted these below.
Teachers are always happy to discuss a child’s overall progress with their parents at a mutually convenient time. Please email the school office noting the class and/or teacher's name. You can also catch the teacher for a few minutes at pick-up from school.
Many events take place during the year, to which parents are invited. These may be class assemblies, musical evenings, drama productions, social events or curriculum workshops (also known as Coffee Mornings).
Autumn Term
In September, class teachers will provide a presentation which will be posted on the website in the Gallery. These presentations will detail what the children will be learning during the coming year and how parents can support their child at home.
For Y5 and Y6, the school will also prepare parents for secondary transfer and discuss the annual residential trips.
The Headteacher will also lead a discussion at the parents' associations' annual general meeting on the school funding priorities for the short and long term.
Every Term
Starting in October, parents will have a 10-minute virtual meeting with their child’s Classteacher to discuss their child’s progress. More can be found under Parent Consultations.
'Book Look' is also an opportunity to visit their child's classroom and take a peek at their child's work in person. Children enjoy showing off where they learn every day and their work. This is all about the children so we kindly ask parents to refrain from using this time to speak with the teacher about their child's progress.
Summer Term
Parents receive an Annual Report at the end of the summer term, which gives details of their child’s progress and attainment. It also includes key points for further development.
Friends of Bousfield
We encourage parents to engage with the parents association - Friends of Bousfield (FoB) - who are instrumental in raising funds through Friday bake sales, discos, Christmas Grotto and Fair, parents/teachers quiz night, and end-of-year school barbeque plus more! They even prepare some wonderful breakfasts for teachers on occasion!
The FoB is a registered charity. They qualify for Gift Aid and can apply for grant funding. They are always looking for parents with expertise in all areas and ideas, but most importantly, parents/carers to volunteer and contribute to making Bousfield a better school! All the funds support enriching the educational experience of the students.